Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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Many of them are. There are sincere people in every Church. Butthe Methodist Church cannot be the true Church of Christ. Tracedback historically, it merges into Anglicanism. In 1728 John Wesleywas ordained as an Anglican clergyman. He gathered together a groupof earnest Anglicans who met for study and prayer, and who livedaccording to such strict rules that they were called"Methodists." They had no intention of leaving the Churchof England. In 1738 John Wesley began his campaign as a revivalistpreacher, and the hostility of Anglican authorities who resentedhis unorthodox ways led to the establishment of the separate"Wesleyan" or "Methodist" Church. Methodiststeach salvation by faith in Christ and an experienced interiorconversion. Apart from that they do not stand for any distinctivepoint of teaching or Church discipline. Formal Creeds and set formsof worship have little appeal for them.