Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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The Christadelphian sect was founded in America by a man namedJohn Thomas, who lived from 1805 till 1871. He was a member of anAmerican sect called the "Disciples of Christ" or the"Campbellites," founded by Alexander Campbell, anex-Presbyterian minister, in 1827. Thomas, reading the Bible withhis own peculiar mentality, decided that the whole of Christendomhad gone astray, including the Campbellites, and therefore decidedto become a freelance Bible teacher. He taught that the doctrine ofthe Trinity is erroneous; that Christ was a prophet but not the Sonof God; that man has not an immortal soul but just ceases utterlyto exist at death. However, the Christadelphian will be restored tolife in this world and will live forever on earth when Christreturns to be King of this world with His headquarters atJerusalem. Thomas predicted that Christ would return in 1910 buthis present-day followers are not disconcerted by thenon-fulfillment of that prophecy. Their title"Christadelphians" signifies "Brethren ofChrist," and they still await, in suspense and hope, the earlyreturn of Christ. They call upon all to "come out" of the"iniquitous system of the Papacy and its offspring, theAnglican Church," as well as from all the Protestant sects.Since the present state of human society is, in their idea,hopelessly corrupt, they do not engage in any works of social orpolitical betterment. They wait simply for God to come to judge it.There is no need for me to add that the Christadelphian religion isnot that of either the Old or New Testaments, but the fruit of thepersonal imaginations of the founder, John Thomas, of Brooklyn, N.Y.