Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney Australia
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It was certainly not because Protestantism is true, nor becauseCatholicism is false. Nor was it because Gladstone was intelligent.Both Newman and Manning, fellow Protestants with Gladstone, wereequally intelligent, yet both became Catholics. We must rememberthat religion implies much more than merely intellectualconviction. It is deeply psychological, involving a yielding ofmind and heart and will. Reluctance on the part of any one of thesefactors can prevent a clear sight of one's obligations. Pascalhas rightly said that "the heart has reasons of which reasonknows nothing." Gladstone had many more motives for remaininga member of the National Church, and less knowledge of theecclesiastical issues involved than either Newman or Manning. And Ibelieve these prevented his giving full intellectual attention toaspects of the problem which led in a direction he was not willingto follow.